日期:2022-12-13 09:29:24人气:13
1、英音 [klaʊdɪ] 音 [ˈklaʊdɪ]
2、Slather on the sunscreen and lip balm , even on cloudy days .在多云天气也涂上厚厚的防晒油和润唇膏。
3、Cloudy days are better for photos than bright sunny days because the clouds diffuse the sun s light .多云的天气会比万里无云的晴朗天气更适合拍照,因为云彩可以使太阳光线变得很柔和。
4、This discourages investors in the flexible , gas-powered generation needed to provide backup for windless , cloudy days .这使得投资者不愿意投入建设灵活的气动式发电设备以防止出现无风多云的天气。
5、And make sure the eyes are clear , not cloudy .保证鱼眼是清澈的,不浑浊。
6、Even when it s cloudy , keep looking for the rainbow .就算是天阴,别忘记期待会有彩虹。
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