日期:2022-12-13 09:27:34人气:45
1、英音 [ˈænθəm] 美音 [ˈænθəm]
4、An island was never bought , but the pirate bay does have an official anthem now .小岛从来没有买到,但是海盗湾现在确实有正式的国歌了。
5、Rumours have spread that he will belt out something , perhaps an independence anthem .他会引吭高歌,也许是首独立圣歌,这样的谣言传开了。
6、The commissioner in charge of high school hockey emailed teams and suggested that they not sing the anthem .负责高中曲棍球的专员给团队发邮件并建议他们不要唱这首颂歌。
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